

John Zhu

作者:G10-9 邹思澜 Chloe浏览人次:

  本次专访我们请到了 2018 年毕业的学长 John Zhu。John Zhu 学长作为北美往年的优秀毕业生,他和我们分享了一些在他学习和生活中的趣事以及收获和经验。相信大家对 John Zhu 学长抱有很大的好奇心,那现在就让我们走进采访当中,一起来了解一下吧!

In this interview, we have invited John Zhu, who graduated in 2018, as one of the outstanding graduates of SNA in the past years, to share with us some interesting stories as well as gains and experiences in his study and life. We believe that you have great curiosity about John Zhu, so let's go into the interview and find out more about him!

  Q: 我们都知道你是北美往年的优秀毕业生 , 想问一问你在毕业之后在哪所学校的什么专业就读?现阶段在做些什么?

Q: We know that you are one of the best graduates of North America in the past years, and I would like to ask you what program you are going to study at the school after graduation. What are you doing now?

  A: 毕业之后,我在俄亥俄州立大学的数学和物理专业学习。现在在美国从事物流相关的工作。

A: After graduation, I majored in math and physics at Ohio State University. Now I am working in the U.S. in the field of logistics.

  Q: 可不可以给大家分享一下你的大学生活是什么样的?有没有什么趣事或者是在留学生活中遇到的困难?你是如何面对解决这些困难的?

Q: Can you share with us what your college life is like? Are there any interesting stories or difficulties you encountered in your study abroad life? How did you face and solve these difficulties?

  A: 总的来说,我觉得我大学生活很不错。可以参加不同的社团活动,去和来自不同国家的老师和同学聊天,去了解他们的文化对我来说是一件非常有趣的事情。因为你总是在不断的学习和提升自己。困难的部分就是在升入高年级后,一些专业课的难度会增加很多。很多时候你不能完全掌握和理解教授课上的内容。所以就需要你下课后花更多的时间去复习和巩固这些知识。一些我会推荐的方法包括去整理你上课的笔记,跟着笔记再过一遍知识点。去网上找一些额外的视屏资料帮助你更好的去了解这些知识。

A: In general, I think my university life is very good. It's very interesting for me to participate in different clubs, to talk to teachers and students from different countries, and to learn about their cultures. Because you are always learning and improving yourself. The difficult part is that some of the specialized courses are much more difficult when you enter the senior year. A lot of times you can't fully grasp and understand what the professor is saying in class. So it will require you to spend more time after class to review and reinforce that knowledge. Some of the ways I would recommend include going through your notes from class and following along with them to go over the points again. Go online and find some additional video material to help you understand the material better.

  Q: 你在留学中收获了什么?有没有什么对你来说很重要的成长经历?

Q: What did you gain from studying abroad? Were there any growth experiences that were important to you?

  A: 在留学生活中我学习到了很多东西,最重要的是我变得更加自信了,这一点让我欣然地接纳自己并更勇敢地去接触很多新鲜事物。成长经历我觉得对我来说特别重要的一点是保持一个开放性的思维。大学四年会让你看到和了解很多完全崭新的事物和领域。不要着急去评判一件事情是对还是错,也不要着急的去否定自己。多尝试,也许你会找到自己真正热爱的事情。

A: I have learned a lot during my study abroad experience, and most importantly I have become more confident, which has allowed me to readily accept myself and be more courageous in approaching many new things. One of the most important things I think I learned growing up is to keep an open mind. Four years of college will allow you to see and learn about so many completely new things and fields. Don't be in a hurry to judge whether something is right or wrong, and don't be in a hurry to deny yourself. Experiment a lot and maybe you'll find something you really love.

  Q: 作为一名北美的毕业学生,在北美的三年学习生活中是什么给你留下了最深刻的印象?可不可以给学弟学妹们分享一下你的学习经验?

Q: As a graduated student in SNA, what made the deepest impression on you during your three years of study in North America? Can you share your study experience with your younger siblings?

  A:那当然是 Mr.Vincent 的课堂了。宏观经济学的课堂给我留下了很深刻的印象。学习经验的话,我觉得保持自信和乐观积极的学习心态是很重要的一点。然后,一定要勇敢地去尝试接纳新的事物,跳出自己的舒适圈。

A: That would be Mr. Vincent's class, of course. I was very impressed by the macroeconomics class. As for the learning experience, I think it is very important to maintain confidence and an optimistic and positive learning mindset. Then, you must be brave to try to accept new things and step out of your comfort zone.

  Q: 你现在在从事什么工作?为什么从事这份工作?什么机遇让你从事了这份工作?

Q: What kind of work are you doing now? Why are you doing this job? What opportunities led you to this job?

  A: 目前从事的工作的 Logistic Analyst。首先是工作的职能和我研究生学习的专业相关。其次物流一直都是我比较热爱的领域,去了解货物运输的流程,通过对物流数据的分析去提供更好的解决方案,让流程变的更高效。美国有很多求职的渠道包括 LinkedIn 和 Indeed,准备好你的简历,在上面你能找到适合自己的岗位。

A: I am currently working as a Logistic Analyst. First of all, the function of the job is related to my graduate studies. Secondly, logistics has always been my passion, to understand the process of cargo transportation, through the analysis of logistics data to provide better solutions to make the process more efficient. There are a lot of job search channels in the US, including LinkedIn and Indeed, so get your resume ready and you can find the right position for you.


Q: Finally, is there anything you would like to say to the current students?

  A: 要勇敢的去尝试和接收新的事物,这是我认为最重要的。不要着急的去评判或否定自己,你一定会找到自己真正热爱的事情。另一方面我觉得要保持自信,保持乐观开朗的心态,无论是做什么事,拥有一个好的心态都会是成功的开始。

A: Be brave to try and receive new things, this is the most important thing in my opinion. Don't be in a hurry to judge or deny yourself, you will definitely find something you really love. On the other hand I think it is important to stay confident and keep an optimistic and cheerful mindset, no matter what you do, having a good mindset will be the beginning of success.