
SNA 校学生会活动——冬至前夜包饺子活动

SNA Student Council Activity – Dumpling Making Event on the Eve of Winter Solstice

作者:陶悠然 Zoe 沈恬语 Verity浏览人次:

  冬至究竟是什么呢?它又是在什么时间呢?冬 至,是中国二十四节气中的一个,通常出现在 公历每年的 12 月 21 日或 22 日。在古代,冬至 是一个重要的节日,人们会举行各种祭祀活动, 以祈求来年的丰收和幸福。据史书记载,冬至 是古代“二十四节气”中的第 22 个节气,也是 冬季的开始。由于冬至是太阳直射南回归线的 日子,所以北半球越北的地方白昼越短,黑夜越长。

What exactly is the Winter Solstice? And when does it occur? The Winter Solstice is one of the twenty-four solar terms in China, typically falling on December 21st or 22nd in the Gregorian calendar. In ancient times, the Winter Solstice was a significant festival, marked by various rituals and prayers for a bountiful harvest and happiness in the coming year. Historical records indicate that the Winter Solstice is the 22nd solar term in the ancient "twenty-four solar terms" and marks the beginning of winter. As the day when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn, places further north in the Northern Hemisphere experience shorter daylight hours and longer nights.

  那么,为什么冬至要吃饺子呢?在北方,饺子 是一种重要的节日食品。在冬至吃饺子的习俗, 有一种说法是,冬至是古代的“亚岁”,也就是“小 年”,吃饺子的习俗是为了迎接新年的到来。

So, why do people eat dumplings on the Winter Solstice? In northern China, dumplings are an important festive food. There is a saying that the Winter Solstice is the ancient "minor New Year," and the tradition of eating dumplings is to welcome the arrival of the new year.

  在冬至前夜,气温骤降,寒气袭人,但是,学 校里却洋溢着温馨热情的气氛。同学们齐聚餐 厅,欢声笑语不断,这是为了增进学生之间的 情感交流,SNA 校学生会活动部组织校园活动 -- 冬至前夜包饺子。

On the eve of the Winter Solstice, as the temperature drops and the chill sets in, the school is filled with a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Students gather in the dining hall, laughter and chatter abound, all in the spirit of enhancing emotional communication among students. The SNA Student Council's Activities Department organizes a campus event – Dumpling Making on the Eve of Winter Solstice.

  傍晚时分,负责指引工作的活动部部员已经在 食堂门口做好了准备,热情迎接同学们的到来。 学校食堂的长桌上摆满了包饺子所需的材料: 新鲜的饺子皮、馅料、碗和盘子以及调料。大 家自觉戴上口罩,清洗双手,迫不及待地等待 着活动的开始。

In the evening, the department members responsible for guiding the event are already prepared at the entrance of the cafeteria, warmly welcoming the arrival of the students. The long tables in the school cafeteria are filled with the ingredients needed for making dumplings: fresh dumpling wrappers, fillings, bowls, plates, and seasonings. Everyone voluntarily wears masks, cleans their hands, and eagerly awaits the start of the activity.

  首先,主持人介绍了冬至的起源和一些有趣的 含义,鼓励同学们放松心情,体验制作美味饺 子的过程。同学们自行分成几个小组,在老师 们及食堂工作人员的帮助下,同学们围坐在桌 子旁。在欢快的气氛中,学生们互相传递饺子皮, 开始包饺子,整个食堂都弥漫着面粉和馅料的 香气,气氛也变得越来越热烈。

Firstly, the host introduces the origin of the Winter Solstice and some interesting meanings, encouraging students to relax and experience the process of making delicious dumplings. Students form several groups and, with the assistance of teachers and cafeteria staff, sit around tables. In a cheerful atmosphere, students pass dumpling wrappers to each other, starting to make dumplings. The entire cafeteria is filled with the aroma of flour and fillings, and the atmosphere becomes increasingly lively.

  在包饺子的过程中,同学们不仅学到了手工包 饺子的技能,还增进了彼此间的友谊。他们互 相传授包饺子的方法,分享包饺子的故事。在 欢声笑语中,整个食堂仿佛成了一个大家庭的 聚会场所。

During the dumpling-making process, students not only learn the skill of handcrafting dumplings but also strengthen their friendships. They share dumpling-making methods and stories while enjoying the laughter and joy, turning the entire cafeteria into a gathering place for one big family.

  当食堂阿姨把同学们包的饺子放入蒸笼后,包 饺子活动达到了最令人期待的阶段。伴随同学 们的欢呼声,一盘盘香气四溢的饺子出锅了, 摆上了餐桌。最后,学生们围坐在一起,品尝 自己包的饺子。饺子的美味让大家不禁感叹:" 自己动手包的饺子果然更美味!" 冬至前夜的包饺子活动会成为同学们美好回忆。

When the cafeteria staff puts the dumplings made by students into the steamer, the dumpling-making activity reaches its most anticipated stage. Accompanied by the cheers of students, plates of fragrant dumplings are ready, arranged on the dining tables. Finally, students gather together to taste the dumplings they made. The deliciousness of the dumplings prompts everyone to exclaim, "Dumplings made by oneself are indeed more delicious!" The dumpling-making activity on the eve of Winter Solstice will become a cherished memory for the students.

  在这顿特别的晚餐中,同学们不仅填饱了肚子, 更是填满了心。冬至前夜包饺子的活动,让大家 体会到做饭的不易,也感受到了团结、温暖和 幸福的力量!最后,SNA 学生会代表参与活动 的同学向在此次活动中大力支持的学生处、总 务处老师及食堂的叔叔阿姨们表示衷心感谢!

In this special dinner, students not only fill their stomachs but also fill their hearts. The dumpling-making activity on the eve of Winter Solstice allows everyone to experience the challenges of cooking and feel the power of unity, warmth, and happiness! Finally, on behalf of the SNA Student Council, the students participating in the event express heartfelt thanks to the Student Affairs Office, General Affairs Office teachers, and the uncles and aunties in the cafeteria for their strong support in this activity.